
Notation is how chess games are recorded and how chess players talk about different moves. It is a shorthand for describing the movement of different pieces. In tournaments, players are required to notate by writing down each move on a sheet of paper.

In notation, you first write the symbol for the piece you are moving and then the coordinates of the square it is moving to. If two of the same type of piece can move to the same square, you have to specify which piece is moving. If you check the enemy king or capture a piece, that is also noted. There is also special notation for castling, checkmate, and promotion. Finally, there is analytic notation where you can mark the strength of a move after the game when analyzing it.

Notation Example

Here, both white knights can move to e2. To indicate that the knight on the g file is moving there, you would write Nge2. The g after the N says that the knight that is moving is on the g file.

Piece or Comment Symbol
Pawn None - just put the square it is moving to
Knight N
Bishop B
Rook R
Queen Q
King K
Kingside castling 0-0
Queenside castling 0-0-0
Check +
Checkmate # or ++
White won 1-0
Black won 0-1
It was a draw 1/2-1/2

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